Montag, 22. März 2010

artwork dump

as i mentioned in the post before, i'm still doing the fakemon artworks...three more sets for you to see. coloring is decent, and the last one is only outlines, but i can't really decide on ideal palettes yet and apart from that i'm too lazy to finish them now :/

a bird type. (possibly with ice type in later evos) kind of substitute for pidgey.

a ghost type. actually my favorites, though the third one looks like an overweight charizard. that's cute and you know it.

a bug/water one.

please tell me what you think or if you have suggestions.

3 Kommentare:

Schismogenesis hat gesagt…


brain_surgery hat gesagt…

niemand fragt dich lisi DDDD:

Schismogenesis hat gesagt…

Josef 2 hat darüber gelacht, ok.

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