Samstag, 14. August 2010


so something totally unexpected from me this time!!
as i started off the whole TFA frenzy i tried to make some fanart too (for the first time in years i think).
it started off super epic and all awesome, but as i hate backgrounds for being backgrounds i ended up with something like 5 variants of drawn shit. and somewhen along the way lost all of my motivation to finish this piece. damn you backgrounds!

well i also couldn't decide which one of the characters i love the most, and therefore should draw first, so i concluded WHY NOT DRAW BOTH.

do not click on the image for the larger version will make you cry.

Montag, 9. August 2010

been some time

Hiya there. I keep on forgetting this blog.

Guess who's playing Bioshock.

Oc tiem. (again)

If I'd ever do a webcomic it'd probably look like this. But I guess I won't. At least not with these characters.

And more fanart!! Murphy Pendleton from Silent Hill 8. I am unhappy how this turned out but I just wanted to practice shading and i guess.

Have some new moe pokemon.

gothic man yeah yeah

so, fitting with the girl here comes the man with the beard!

i don't really have a nice sketch so there's none this time. duh.
the one who requested those already convinced me to do another one, so probably some more are going to follow.

Sonntag, 6. Juni 2010

gothic girl disco disco

hello ppl!
long time no see, but i got a new amazing piece of greatest art for you guys (and gals)! this one is a concept art for a game a friend of mine is making, and he asked me to do it and well i was owing him some drawings anyway.
i'm glad that i had a reference, since he had already made an ingame-sprite, but some things were still to be decided, for example the lip-stick-problem. black or none?? in the end he couldn't really decide himself so yay for two versions!

in the beginning she looked like akai :/ her name's illona by the way and she's some kind of...uhm...dunno. princess or something i think.
and lisi you're a mean mofo >:(

Samstag, 15. Mai 2010

oh well

Guess it's time for an update, eh?! Sorry for being such a lazy ass. I've been playing so many games and tried to do some decent fanart, but obviously failed.
Well then, here we go!

Nathan, Tetris Hill's promising main character. Actually i have no idea anymore why i chose this epic pose and lighting because i drew this picture like.. months ago!!

Let's move to the next one

I had to make a magazine cover for school, started with a subway station and never finished it. Probably going to finish it someday. Btw i suck at drawing backgrounds

Ok then:

Norman Jayden (Heavy Rain). The second picture is merely "copied" so i could get into drawing him without reference. Oh and it's only a raw sketch lol. The first one is drawn without reference and therefor looks really strange. BUT HEY AT LEAST IT'S FANART

And for the "grand finale" i will present you a stupid comic about silent hill 3 that isn't even funny.

I dunno but after playing Silent Hill 2 i thought i'd kill these monsters without any problems but got my ass kicked in the end. Good game though.
Maybe I'll add something when i feel like it.


Montag, 22. März 2010

artwork dump

as i mentioned in the post before, i'm still doing the fakemon artworks...three more sets for you to see. coloring is decent, and the last one is only outlines, but i can't really decide on ideal palettes yet and apart from that i'm too lazy to finish them now :/

a bird type. (possibly with ice type in later evos) kind of substitute for pidgey.

a ghost type. actually my favorites, though the third one looks like an overweight charizard. that's cute and you know it.

a bug/water one.

please tell me what you think or if you have suggestions.

Sonntag, 21. März 2010

the fever returns!

i'm surprised how regularly i update here :/ (since when do i draw so much?) anyways, with the upcoming new pokemon editions (can't wait until the release here in europe) one of my oldest hypes lives up again and also i remembered the fan game me an gizmo were working on. the most remarkable thing about it was that the story was entirely made of plot holes. AND GIANT FIRE KITTENS.

picture related. one of the pokemans i designed and intend to keep for the remake we're planning.

i actually planned on dumping a whole bunch of artworks, but then this one alone took me insanely long (also because of technical difficulties) so i'll just stick with it for now.

Dienstag, 16. März 2010


so after the short visit to rainbow-unicorn-land, let's enjoy the next trip to the other end of my mind.

never have sex, children. never EVER. it's bad for you, you know.
i'm sorry for the horrible quality, but my scanner screwed up again :/ i guess you can roughly make out some details....hopefully :/ some parts are rushed though >>

Montag, 15. März 2010


oh my god. this is probably the gayest thing i ever drew. well, whatever: OPEN YOUR EYES, I SEE YOUR EYES ARE OPEN


Dienstag, 2. März 2010

happy anyways!

since i felt that i needed a new icon for dA and i wanted something tongue...-y i decided it was time to draw again. well, the picture i had in my mind originally looked completely different, but i just liked the way it was developing and decided to give it a chance too. (to at least become a sketch.) also experimented around with my style(s) and tried to catch up on you lisi >:(

not sooo satisfied with this one however. but i like his hair this way. may keep it. (why did i end up with drawing anger again? D: what kind of facial expression is this anyways?? looks weird, but it fits somehow.) this thing in the background is a mirror by the way. if i decide to color this piece it may become clearer.

at least the proportions are ok this time....i think...:/

Freitag, 26. Februar 2010

I'm not looking at you

Well hello there.
I'm not a smooth talker and that's why i'm just going to post a picture, haha.

don't be distracted by the red background, i don't like light bgs, they hurt my eyes.
Oh and the funny lines i drew are not a part of the ... wall she's standing at, they're merely helping me to define a light source.
Oh and i don't like colours, or in other words colours don't like me. That's why i draw everything in one colour and change the hue. Yeah i totally cheat orz

... Anyways, that serious looking girl is an OC, being part of a Game-project called "Tetris Hill".
And no, you don't have to fight gigantic Tetris stones, sorry.

She's something you could call "recycled" character because I use her nearly ... everywhere. Better get used to her coz I draw her alot. (btw her name is Akai or Karen. Haha.)

Bye then.

not furry....not really.

oh the joy of online games. i recently discovered one called endless forest and it truly blew my brain, even though i could only play it for a few minutes at a framerate of 2 fps, then my computer crashed and i had to re-install windows. i would really love to try it again, but i'm a little bit afraid now :/

lately i can't stop drawing these things! i think i'll be surprised if i saw a deer without human facial features now. creepy as hell. but so cute. i want fancy accesoires D:

let the games begin.

artists need space for their work. since all the paper and pencils can get quite expensive and we felt that the loads of unfinished scraps and sketches and stuff were about to form their own solar system, and some mean people told us that deviantart is NOT a place for this, we decided to stuff it all in a blog. neatly arranged and chronologic.

actually, that's what it is. i don't take responsibility for any nonsense said.

have fun and enjoy the art!