Samstag, 14. August 2010


so something totally unexpected from me this time!!
as i started off the whole TFA frenzy i tried to make some fanart too (for the first time in years i think).
it started off super epic and all awesome, but as i hate backgrounds for being backgrounds i ended up with something like 5 variants of drawn shit. and somewhen along the way lost all of my motivation to finish this piece. damn you backgrounds!

well i also couldn't decide which one of the characters i love the most, and therefore should draw first, so i concluded WHY NOT DRAW BOTH.

do not click on the image for the larger version will make you cry.

Montag, 9. August 2010

been some time

Hiya there. I keep on forgetting this blog.

Guess who's playing Bioshock.

Oc tiem. (again)

If I'd ever do a webcomic it'd probably look like this. But I guess I won't. At least not with these characters.

And more fanart!! Murphy Pendleton from Silent Hill 8. I am unhappy how this turned out but I just wanted to practice shading and i guess.

Have some new moe pokemon.

gothic man yeah yeah

so, fitting with the girl here comes the man with the beard!

i don't really have a nice sketch so there's none this time. duh.
the one who requested those already convinced me to do another one, so probably some more are going to follow.